E291 Official Trailer 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

First week of work..

Work's been a bit intense for me! But so far so good :) Still trying to find a good rhythm (not just at work, but in cell group too! Clap with me, everybody!). LOL.

If I'm not wrong, my office is at the level that houses a neurology ward. (Don't be surprised if you hear of me fainting at work!)

Think the learning curve is going to be steep for me.. cos work is very fast-paced, lots of things to remember and I work with people, including patients, doctors, therapists and nurses all the time.. lots of difficult emotions involved.. and still need to use my brains for reasoning.. and of course, need all the favour I can get. And I need to be sharp at the same time.

I need Him more and more and lean not on my own strength!


Overnite cycling : 27th June 08

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hey I Got Some House For Sale If U Wan To Buy Contact Me I Can Lower The Price

But All Are For Sell Now...haha
Louis Vuitton
Here Are Some Update of myself

I jus bought a Lamborghini i took some picture of the delivery sence,


Chio Rite!!!
Presented By Louis Tan

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Back from Stong!

Gunung Stong (read more about it here)
Photos and then comments below.

Day 1: Caving and trek up to base camp.. which has beautiful scenery.

These are the 2 main guys.. the one on the right is Yo and the other is called Chek, who's just 23. They are super fit and super at ease with nature, they know the terrain really well.

The 2 pics on top are that of the caves we visited. Really cool. Like武峡小说 right??

Pic taken after caving.

I think this's on the way to the base camp.

This is the entrance to the base camp.

Day 2: Trek up to summit

Before starting the trek up to the summit. The 2 guys squatting in front are the guides for the day. Chek and Sakae.

This is one of the water points. 2 hours to the summit I think.

One of the slopes we had to climb up.

See the 2 guys there? They were super helpful! Haha they said alot of lame jokes to distract us from the tiredness.

Day 3: Waterfalls! (waterfall abseiling)
Gunung stong has a 7-tiered waterfall. So we went to the source of it on the 4th day. It was alot of hard work for me! Hehhe.One of the slippery rocks we had to go up on the way to the waterfalls. Great sights come with a price! Notice the guide on the left wearing slippers.. (different slippers some more!). That's how agile and at ease they are with the terrain. We had to pull ourselves up with the chain. But he stood by watching and then he ran up this slope. Super cool!

One of the waterfalls we climbed up! It was cool! The air was soooo fresh and the water was soo refreshing!

This is the place where we did waterfall abseiling (left of pic, can't really see) and rock abseiling (right). In this pic, you can see that they have laid the ropes and the gloves. I did the waterfall one. Once I get the pic of me there I'll show you guys! Hope it's nice! I think you guys would enjoy it too (esp lcy, ms, mx, louis and yt)!

Pics below are taken from the base camp, where there's another waterfall! (we bathed there!)

And this are some of our injuries. Guess which is my foot!

I would not have made it back alive if not for the helpful guys who were so encouraging along the way. The girls too la. So guys, pls be nice if you ever go on such treks! The girls will love you for it!

Some things which I learnt.. respect.. respect nature, respect one another! And the guide Yo said "Play life like you'd play music" --> must have good content and rhythm.

So I'm happy to come back with a renewed appreciation for:
myself (I can climb mountain! Just don't give up easily!),
for others (we people to grow! And sometimes just to keep us going. So be inclusive! Don't be exclusive and just keep to yourself or your clique) and
for God (who's always there).
