E291 Official Trailer 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

the unity of this cg...

I have never taken a cg before that is the same as this current e-291. Really.. I mean it. And of course in a good way la.. haha..

Talking to each other like great friends... so comfy with one another so much so that they are thinking of overnight cycling and even wanted to go overseas together late last yr! :)

I am truly very comfortable with this gp of ppl. They are great and fun ppl to hang out with defintely...

Comfortable as we may be...

We cant afford to be too comfortable too. :I

Developing great friendships is essential, but cultivating the habit of daily evang is sth i guess all of us MUST do. :) Talking is SO much easier than actions. We can talk all we want, but can we walk?

The unity of the cg will not really be unity, until we reach out. Because, when we really reach out and evang, we are altogether in one accord of God's burden and His will...... Then this is really call "UNITY" :)

By: Xuan..

ps: to all e-291s, pls remember to sign off your name k? Ppl like Y____G and L___S never put name leh.. ai yoo.. me old le so cant guess who this "enter" is leh.. haha.... Thanks ah! :P

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