E291 Official Trailer 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

First week of work..

Work's been a bit intense for me! But so far so good :) Still trying to find a good rhythm (not just at work, but in cell group too! Clap with me, everybody!). LOL.

If I'm not wrong, my office is at the level that houses a neurology ward. (Don't be surprised if you hear of me fainting at work!)

Think the learning curve is going to be steep for me.. cos work is very fast-paced, lots of things to remember and I work with people, including patients, doctors, therapists and nurses all the time.. lots of difficult emotions involved.. and still need to use my brains for reasoning.. and of course, need all the favour I can get. And I need to be sharp at the same time.

I need Him more and more and lean not on my own strength!


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