E291 Official Trailer 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The FerraGhini-s!

Dear FerraGhini's - Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to E291's very first official blog. This blog allows you to talk about anything under the sun, moon and stars.. It can be any happening in cg, be it spiritual or LAME ones. Lol.. The main objective is to allow every blogger to freely express their feelings, thinking and whatever they want, as long as its NOT vulgar and of offense. :)

To all non-FerraGhini's - Welcome! and WELCOME! We welcome you guys to come read our blogs and even leave comments. Of oucrse once again, comments left cant be of vulgarity and of offense.

So, have a good time reading! Happy blogging! :P

May the Lord bless you in a great way! :)

By : Xuan..

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