E291 Official Trailer 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Today is my second last day working at AMD Singapore. In case you guys still donno what AMD is, log on to http://www.amd.com/ to check it out lah...haha. It is one of the main sponsor for Ferrari F1 team you know...Hai...How can Ferraghinis dono about it...Haa. Anyway, I'll be leaving AMD soon. Still remember the first few weeks during my internship I was struggling like hell man...But God is good indeed. He is able to supply all my needs. Like nice colleagues, friendly engineers, good supervisors, and a few ferrari..Ops...Is a few dozen of ferrari sorry...haha. And throughout the 22 weeks of attachment, I am also struggling to get to the balance point between work, food stall, dance, spiritual life, friends, family, ministry, and cell group. Sometimes I wonder if all those sacrifices are worthy. But indeed, NOTHING is ever wasted in your life man...So, in conclusion, IF LCY can do it, YOU also can do it!
One of my garage...you like it?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean the cars in your garage all SAME colour? hmm, i think loks more than you selling these cars, cos oil prices are shooting up! hm, just admit it bah.. we will pray for you one.. haha.. :P