E291 Official Trailer 2008

Sunday, June 15, 2008

hX hSe - pUblIc pLacE?

Yo, yo, yo! Its me again! Ya lor how come no one blog one? dont see Huiling, Christine, Ivan and MS leh.. hmm must be BUSY-BUSY man..lol..

Any way, i think most of us know about this thingy that I am going to blog on. Well, think it came too late, but late better than never rite. hee..

My hse hor.. ai yo yo.. from cgm place become shi ai place liao..

6th June 08 (Fri):

7.50pm - Abt to start cg pm, then Bruce arrived with a boutique of roses and a bag of candles and he just said, " Hey guys, i need your help. i am going to express mylove to this gal later and i need help to set the place up."

We were all stunned.

7.55pm - We told him that we were about to start our cg pm. He went on to say that its very fast one. Wah, really fast ah... it took the entire pm time lor.. until cg start liao.. haha..

From 7.55pm - 8.15pm - (prep time) : all of us were still shocked at this last min request, but we were pretty excited and nervous about it. Afterall, the coming togther of 2 person (of course 1 guy and 1 gal la) is still a sweet and wondeful thing, so we dont mind helping out. Just dont burn my hse with the many candles onthe wooden floor pls! haha... :)

8.16pm - (gal arrived). Bruse was so nervous and he said, " ......... When i need you, you were always there for me, so today i just wanna thank you for being there for me and................ I love you!"

Wooooooo... she nodded her head and accepted the flowers (specially delievered by a gorgeous gal :P ). We all cheered!

By the time this whole thing ended, its almost 8.30pm and we are ready for cgm.. so the conclusion is... my hse from cg hse become 'express love hse'.. hm, maybe next tme can progress further to marriage proposal hse! LOL...

So all you guys out there that want to express your love for a gal, come to my hse la.. sure successful one!

huat ah! :P


by: xuan...

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